I-SPEAK Your Language© Communications Style
Training Program:
Helping skating coaches increase communication effectiveness.
The I-SPEAK program and article helps coaches and skaters increase communication effectiveness. It explores the four communication styles, helps coaches and skaters discover their own personal style and teaches new ways to communicate more effectively. The I-SPEAK goal is to develop greater awareness for other styles and create productive, effective working relationships. Understanding one’s own style and that of their skaters or coaches can increase effective communication and actually decrease the time it takes to learn new skills and elements, refine programs, grasp technique more quickly and decrease frustration between coaches and skaters.
I-Speak is based on these premises:
People have recognizable and preferred communication styles.
It is possible, after relatively short exposure, to identify, his/her own style.
People communicate most effectively with individuals whose styles are similar to their own, and they have greater
difficulty with people who exhibit dissimilar communications styles.
People can modify their styles to "speak" the language of others.
What is Your Primary Style of Communication?
There are four basis communication styles, and while individuals tend to exhibit features of each style, most favor or relyheavily upon one. No one style is better or worse than another, and there are potential strengths and weaknesses associated with each. As you come to recognize and acknowledge the influence of your own style on your thoughts and actions, you will begin to appreciate the importance that other people's style holds for them.
INTUITOR Conceptual, synthesizer, idea people, problem solver, leaders (Intuitors intuitively make leaps of logic that others may find difficult to follow.)
THINKER Analyzer, systematic, objective, logical, step by step (Thinkers are results oriented individuals and value thoughtful examination.)
FEELER Perceptive, facilitative, responsive to others, big hearted, supportive (Feeler types place great value on the personal experience and want harmony.)
SENSER Concrete, pragmatic, detail oriented, realistic, quick to put into action (Sensers enjoy making things happen and want concrete and immediate feedback.)
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